On this page you can find some teaching material of previous lectures and tutorials I gave.
Advanced Cryptology Part II: Secure MultiParty Computation - Master 2 CSI (Cryptology and Information Security), Université de Bordeaux, France.
Cryptanalysis - Master 2 CSI (Cryptology and Information Security), Université de Bordeaux, France.
Arithmétique et Cryptographie - Licence 3, Université de Bordeaux, France.
I prepared the French agregation in mathematics, with a minor in computer science. You can find the list of my developments here (in French), although these notes were never finished.
I am invited to be a Teaching Assistant at the Summer Graduate School on Quantum-Safe Cryptography, organized by Jonathan Bootle and Luca De Feo, from IBM Zurich.
Practice Sessions:
I was invited to be a Teaching Assistant for the course Code-Based Cryptography at the Summer School Post-Quantum Cryptography 2022 organized in Budapest (Hungary) by Péter Kutas and Kozsik Tamás from Eötvös Loránd University.
You can find the lecture notes by Thomas Debris-Alazard on ArXiV.
Exercise Session: